Collaboration & Campaigns
People for Community Recovery(PCR)
PCR prioritizes residents of public housing and EJ communities in our staff, board and membership. Our grassroots model is community-led, and we value community leadership development, transparent decision making, and community-led campaigns
Neighbors for Environmental Justice (N4EJ)
N4EJ is a community group of organizers that believes in grassroots change from the bottom up. Our work is centered upon the belief that when low income and people of color understand the root causes of their experiences of oppression, they have the power and agency to transform society.
Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO)
The mission of LVEJO is to organize with our community to accomplish environmental justice in Little Village and achieve the self-determination of immigrant, low-income, and working-class families.
Blacks in Greens (BIG)
BIG is a national network for environmental justice and economic development created to close America’s racial health/wealth gap via the new green economy using a whole-system solution for the whole-system problem common to Black communities everywhere.
Southeast Environmental Task Force (SETF)
The Southeast Environmental Task Force (SETF) was formed in 1989 by Marian Byrnes as a coalition of 30 grassroots organizations working together to oppose a garbage incinerator proposed for the former Wisconsin Steel site at 106th Street and Torrence Avenue.
Little Village
Known as the ‘Mexico of the Midwest,’ this colorful enclave is overflowing with vibrant culture and cuisine.
Little Village is one of these communities exposed to the cumulative impacts of the greatest combined environmental, health, and social stressors. Little Village was found to have the second worst air quality in the 8 county region of Chicago. The environment and Little Village has been highly degraded for decades due to a coal power plant located in the area.
Rich in Latino culture, Pilsen is a neighborhood that overflows with music, art, culinary tradition, and nightlife.
Located in an industrial corridor, Pilsen faces high levels of air, soil and water pollution all exacerbated by daily emissions from cars, buses and trucks that insidiously infiltrate the vulnerable lungs of residents. In addition, lead and heavy metals have laced everyday life in Pilsen.
Check out some of the neighborhoods where we work
Southeast Side Chicago
Chicago’s SE side consists of Roseland, Pullman, South Deering, Altgeld Gardens and South Chicago. The region has continued to be a location for heavy industries, and has thus seen a number of high profile environmental justice fights over the last few years.
Southeast Side community areas rank in the bottom half of all Chicago’s community areas for life expectancy, cardiac and respiratory disease, and self-rated health, among other metrics.